Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Journal Club Article 3

The Journal I chose to present this week in Journal Club is, Bringing the “Social” Back to Social Studies: Literacy Strategies as Tools for Understanding History by Deborah A. MacPhee & Emily J. Whitecotton, published on the online journal known as The Social Studies
The idea behind this article is to present different ways to increase literacy comprehension in the classroom that are not strictly limited to reading and writing. I found myself intrigued by the different methods used in the classroom; however, I felt the article was lacking the implementation. It lacked the best way to use this in a classroom and lacked well rounded examples of such to truly convince me they would all work. Trial and error are going to have to be comfortable in my future classroom. These included the subtext strategy, a tableau, and a two-page guided writing assignment; all methods that interested me but were only used in one example. An overall good journal, but something to take with a grain of salt. I believe I will be able to teach literacy through my content area, with the ability to try out new methods and respond to the way my students learn.


Deborah A. MacPhee & Emily J. Whitecotton (2011) Bringing the “Social” Back to Social Studies: Literacy Strategies as Tools for Understanding History, The Social Studies, 102:6, 263-267, DOI: 10.1080/00377996.2011.571300

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