Help for struggling readers is something ever current and aspiring teacher should understand and focus on. Reading is not to be left to the reading teachers; it transcribes into ever subject and aspect of our students lives. It is important to understand the significance of reading in the classroom. Reading, as discussed before, is not just the ability to read but the ability to understand and conceptualize what one is reading. Every subject relies on the skill to read in order to experiment, analyze, and understand the material being presented. The skills to help a struggling reader can exceed any skills on content area. Anyone can regurgitate information if they have been in a classroom themselves before. The true test of a successful teacher is the capacity to explain the subject matter in an engaging and thoughtful way and aid students in their academic struggles; by this I mean, helping students understand the material, which means helping them read.
The main concepts addressed in Chapter 11: Help for Struggling Readers— in the textbook Subjects Matter—include: “creating supportive relationships, model thoughtful reading, promote self-monitoring, use materials students can successfully read, but also give them extensive support for more challenging texts, build engagement with text, and provide books and materials in various formats” (281). With supportive relationships in the classroom, students can feel more comfortable and confident approaching the teacher with questions and will be able to manage the failures they encounter more advantageously. Comfort is something that is necessary in my classroom. The classes I exceled in at a young age were the teachers I loved or the teachers I felt comfortable approaching with a problem. My grades and academic success plummeted in classrooms that I was afraid of the teacher. I never want to be the teacher that everyone is scared of, yet I will not be the teacher that is too easy. I want to challenge my students, however, I decided to be a middle school teacher because I want to help children in every aspect of their lives in this tumultuous time. I want to lead by example and allow children to have high aspirations in my classroom.

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